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Secure your spot 

Welcome! You've got access to this page because I read through your submission and felt you were a great fit! It would be such an honor to have you join me in the retreat of a lifetime! 

Below you have the option of investing in full or Securing your spot with a deposit via the buttons.. 
If you are choosing to secure your spot with a deposit, the team will reach out and set up the rest of the investment arrangement privately with you.

Once you have made your investment you will receive a confirmation email and will be contacted by the team soon after. Leading up to the retreat you will receive all the necessary resources you will need as well as 24hr access to the my team, to ensure you have the most transformative, Joyous and FUN experience possible! We are here for you, to ensure you receive as much support and guidance to receive the most unforgettable and magical experience ever ✨🐘

Please Note: You may be asked to pay tax or be charged an extra fee if you choose to pay via the buttons below, to avoid extra fees, you may also send your investment manually using the following options, please send a screenshot of your payment to the team at
PayPal - @paythesarahlea/
Venmo - @thesarahlea
Zelle -
Revolut -@Thesarahlea

Pay Your Deposit:

Pay In Full:

Questions about your investment?
If you would like to pay in installments, you may discuss a payment plan with the team and they will set up a private link for you, to ensure its possible and stress free! If you need us to set that up for you, please email, my team is here to support you! 

Retreat 2023 After Movie

Retreat 2023 After Movie

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Please note, your last installment must be paid 15 days prior to the retreat start date, Failure to complete payment in full by this date will result in an immediate forfeit of the payments you have made, without 30 day prior notice of cancellation, your previous payments will not be refunded.Refunds or cancellation of attendance will be accepted up until 60 days prior to retreat start date. 

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